Fall Prevention at Home
Fall Prevention at Home
Fall Myths vs. Facts
Myth: Other people fall, that won’t happen to me.
Fact: Every second an older-adult falls. Over 1 in 4 older adults will fall once this year.
Myth: One fall isn’t a big deal.
Fact: If you fall, your risk of falling again doubles.
Myth: I won’t get hurt if I fall.
Fact: Falls are responsible for 95% of all hip fractures and are the #1 cause of injury-death in older adults.
Myth: Falling is a normal part of aging.
Fact: Although many older adults fall, you can reduce your risk. Taking steps to prevent falls can keep you safe and independent.
Are you at risk for falls?
- Age
- If you’re over sixty, you may want to discuss your higher fall risk with your doctor.
- Previous Fall History
- If you’ve had a fall in the past twelve months, you’re at a higher risk of falling again.
- Gait Instability
- If you feel unstable while walking or using a mobility aid you’re at risk for falls.
- Medication
- Some medication side effects can make you feel dizzy or lightheaded increasing your chances of falling.
- Mental Status
- If you are confused or don’t understand your limitations, you could fall.
5 Ways to Reduce Falls at Home
1. Talk to your doctor.
Your healthcare provider can tell you about fall precautions you can take to stay safe at home. Your doctor or pharmacist can also look at your medication list. See your eye doctor for an annual exam to update your glasses because poor vision can increase your risk of falling.
2. Be careful on the stairs.
Stairs are a potential fall hazard. While it’s best to live in a one-level home, that isn’t always possible. Make sure your stairs are well-lit and have handrails on both sides. Add non-slip treads to reduce your chances of a slip and fall.
3. Make your home safer.
Fall prevention products can keep you safe at home. From raised toilet seats to shower chairs, these products can increase your safety in the bathroom. Install grab bars throughout your home and use a reacher grabber for any objects that you can’t reach to reduce your chance of falls.
4. Get moving!
Exercising improves your strength and balance, reducing your risk of falls. Find a balance class, Tai Chi class, or other fitness program near you. If you live in an independent or assisted living facility, they may offer classes for free. Or exercise at home using balance products like the TheraBand Stability Disc and TheraBand Stability Trainers (after you get your doctor’s approval).
5. Be prepared for falls.
Even with precautions, falls happen. Keep a phone on each level that you can reach from the floor, in case you fall and can’t get up. A Guardian Alert 911 or a similar medical alert necklace makes it easier to call 911 for help if you need it.
Talk to your doctor about more ways to reduce your risk of falls.
And find more fall prevention products at
CDC. (2017). Important Facts About Falls. Retrieved from https://bit.ly/2mjZik6
CDC. (2019). Materials for Your Older Patients. Retrieved from https://bit.ly/2k5jT78
Dykes, P.C., Adelman, J., Adkison, L., et al. (2018). Preventing Falls in Hospitalized Patients. Retrieved from https://bit.ly/2Ngsffb
NCOA. (n.d.). Fall Prevention Facts. https://bit.ly/1mxuQjq
Medical Disclaimer: The information provided on this site, including text, graphics, images and other material, are for informational purposes only and are not intended to substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other healthcare professional with any questions or concerns you may have regarding your condition.